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HomeSmall Business5 Steps to Perfect Ad Copywriting

5 Steps to Perfect Ad Copywriting

The steps to perfect ad copywriting are not just about writing; they are meant to persuade your audience and give them a reason to do what you want. Ad copywriting can do wonders for your business; if well-written, it can boost website traffic, engage your audience, and increase conversions.

So, you must understand that a compelling ad copy is the key to every successful ad campaign. That’s why we have created this guide with 5 steps to perfect ad copywriting to help you write the best ad copies for your business. However, before we dive into the steps, let’s see what ad copywriting is all about. 

What is Ad Copywriting?

Ad copywriting is writing unique, informative, and relevant content to advertise, persuade, or convince your prospects to take an action. The ad copy contains a headline, body, and a compelling call to action, and as a digital marketer, this is a significant aspect of all your marketing strategies

To achieve good results with ad copywriting, you must focus on highlighting the benefits of your products or services and be able to use the right words to communicate with your audience. Copywriters know how to use words to tell compelling stories and build emotional connections with their prospects. 

5 Steps to Perfect Ad Copywriting

Now that you understand what ad copywriting is, here are 5 steps to perfect ad copywriting. 

1. Preparation

The first step to getting a perfect ad copy is to prepare all the information you need; a good ad copy has to provide valuable information to the audience. So here are some vital information to prepare before writing your ad copy. 

  • Brief description of the product or service you want to sell. 
  • How does the product or service work? 
  • What are the specifications of the product? 
  • What problems will your product or service solve for the customer, or how will it benefit the customer?
  • What is the suggested price? 
  • Why should the customer choose what you are offering over your competitor’s offer? 
  • How strongly do you believe in your products or services? What assurance can you provide: a 7-day free trial or a money-back guarantee? 
  • Does your business have a good history or awards to prove reliability and integrity? 
  • Who do you visualise as your customers based on demographics, interests, and needs.? 
  • Do you have testimonials, endorsements, or reviews from satisfied customers? 
  • What deal are you offering to encourage your prospects: discounts, gifts, free information, etc? 
  • When does your offer expire? 
  • What is your mode of payment? 
  • How should a buyer place an order? 
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2. Organisation

After gathering all the information suggested above and more if necessary, the next step will be to organise this information. This is where your copy starts to take shape; begin to write down these points more concisely; you can do your research, edit your list, add or remove the necessary and unnecessary information, and don’t take shortcuts. 

Everything on the above list doesn’t have to be included in your ad copy, but answering those questions gives a better foundation to create the perfect ad copy. 

3. Writing

Now that you know all the information you need to include in your ad copy, it is time to write the content. This is the most important part, so you must take your time and do it carefully. 

Steps to Perfect Ad Copywriting

Write Your Headline

Think about the information you want to emphasise, it can be the most outstanding benefits of your offer, price, prospects, deadlines, or method of ordering. Then, create your headline. You can write many of them and choose the best one, but it must be able to convey your information in a simple and captivating manner. 

Write Your Subheadings

Your subheadings should be an extension of your headline; they should contain the parts of the ad that you want to discuss specifically. Also, write your subheadings in order of importance and use active voice. 

Write the Body of Your Ad Copy

Expand on each subheading, clearly stating the features and benefits of your products or services. Ensure you answer all the questions we discussed earlier and leave no room for doubt. The body of your ad copy should be informative yet compelling and convincing; when someone reads your content, they should be convinced to take the action you want. 

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Write Your Call to Action

Now, after writing every detail of your ad copy, you must tell your audience what you want them to do, and that is the purpose of a call to action. In this step, review your mode of payment, price, offer, deadline, and other essential information, and state the action you want your prospects to take. Be clear, go straight to the point, and use an active voice. For example, QJ Fitness is free for the first 7 days; you can cancel your subscription anytime. “Click here to get your personalised fitness plan now.”

4. Editing

After writing your ad copy, it is essential to edit it; many people say this is the hardest part of writing, but it doesn’t have to be; it can be the fun part because you get to choose what stays and what needs to go. 

The key to editing is to cut off anything that is wordy or irrelevant. Don’t get attached to your writing; make sure every word adds a significant meaning to your ad copy. 

When editing, think of how your audience perceives your message, whether it passes the correct information, and whether your call to action can encourage someone to take action. Ask yourself questions, and feel free to rewrite any aspect that does not align with your goals. 

Steps to Perfect Ad Copywriting

5. Review

Review your ad copy for the last time to ensure it produces the desired result. It is best to leave the ad for some time and come back to read it when you are refreshed. You can also show the ad to a few objective people to get their opinions, and then you are good to go. 

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Copywriting is very effective for digital marketing; it is personalised, passes the correct information, and persuades your prospects to become customers. Fortunately, these 5 simple steps to perfect ad copywriting that we have discussed are all you need to write the perfect ad copy. 

Writing an ad copy is not difficult or complex; you will enjoy the process once you get started. So, if you have never written an ad copy or have been doing it the wrong way, this is the best time to get started; with this guide, you have all you need.

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