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HomeSmall BusinessHome Business — 15 Lucrative Business Ideas You Can Start From Home

Home Business — 15 Lucrative Business Ideas You Can Start From Home

Are you a stay-at-home mum, Corper, or student who wants to make money? Or even a 9-5 worker who just wants to make an extra income without leaving your current job.

Do you have capital saved up or a skill? Are you looking for the best small home business you can begin with that will be profitable — and successful in the long run? Then this article is for you and you need to read till the end of this article to know the area of skills, expertise, and business interest that best suits you.

It’s really amazing how you don’t need to leave the confine of your home in order to make money. It has been discovered over the years that working remotely and starting off a business from your home has gained popularity — because each day more people take advantage of this business idea, mostly as a result of the flexibility it has to offer.

There are a thousand and one legitimate ways to make money either online or offline that require little or no skills and little capital, to begin with, and so many people have taken this opportunity, and quite a number of them are leveraging what the internet has to offer.

But even so, I believe that there are still quite a number of people who are still in the dark about this new business development. 

Most big business and big names we see around, – like Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos e.t.c didn’t begin with the large office space we see now. They all started in a small room they own. — You can picture that!!!

Well if you are wondering how this is feasible we will be talking about 15 small business ideas you can start from home in the post, so, keep reading.

For the sake of clarity, let’s begin by evaluating what home business is all about.


What is Home Business

Home business as the name implies is any form of business that is conducted from your home, the major bulk of work is done from your home and most of this business requires either skills or capital, to begin with, but not to worry the capital involved is affordable.


Benefits of Home business

  • Flexibility

A home business gives you the privilege of deciding your work schedule with the added advantage of working at your own pace.

  • Saves cost
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Most home businesses save costs mostly from transportation, renting a shop, e.t.c.

  • Independence

You are your own boss and not subject to or under anybody.

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15 Small Business Ideas From Home

There are so many small-scale business ideas that can be done from home and have the possibility of growing into a big brand or business enterprise. 

In this article, we will be discussing 15 business ideas that you can do from home, whether offline or online.


  • Freelancer

Freelancing is probably one of the best jobs you could do online.

A freelancer is someone who offers his services to other people without being employed by them. You have the right to work with as many companies and clients as you deem fit.

In freelancing, you must have a skill that these clients need, and you offer it to them. Some of these skills include article writing, virtual assistance, coding, graphics design, copywriting, e.t.c. You could work for both local and foreign clients or companies, depending on your preference.

Also in freelancing, you don’t need to own an office to do it, it can be done right in the comfort of your home with only your phone or laptop and internet connection.

But note, this business idea needs skill in order to start it up, especially a high-income skill, and then you could begin by getting clients on LinkedIn, Upwork, Fiverr e.t.c.


  • Affiliate Marketing

Ever recommend a product or a place to someone and the person gave in to your advice? Well, you became an affiliate marketer at that moment.

Affiliate marketing has to do with you recommending useful products to customers on behalf of a seller, and you get an agreed commission for each purchase made. In affiliate marketing, you don’t need to own a product and this business model can be done using your mobile phone and internet connection.


There are various affiliate marketing platforms you can register as an affiliate, platforms such as Expertnaire, Jumia, Konga, Selar, Lenoflix, Amazon, e.t.c.


  • Liquid Soap Making Business

Soap making is a very simple skill one can have and doesn’t require much capital, to begin with. You just need to know how to properly package your products. Like, you probably would have seen bottles of liquid soaps sold for as little as #50 in the market. You can learn this business and start yours within a few weeks. 

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  • Tailoring Business

Tailoring - Home business

Like I mentioned earlier, some home business ideas will require skill, if you are good at sewing clothes, you could get yourself a sewing machine and start from your home.  You can start sewing and designing clothes for people around your environment and expand from there. To grow faster, you can utilize social media platforms to increase your reach. 


  • Beverage And Pure Water Business.

This business idea doesn’t need skill, you could begin by selling beverages, soft drinks, and water to people. All you need is a cooling machine like a fridge, freezer, or even getting ice.


  • Baking 


Baking- Home business

You could start off selling snacks like chin-chin, buns, doughnuts, and even bake cakes e.t.c. Don’t fright, these are simple snacks that are easily learnable. You could go on YouTube to learn how to do it, and it’s not cost-intensive.


  • Daycare /Home Lesson

Do you know you could turn your home into a daycare? We know that most nursing mums are working-class women — who need a safe and conducive place to keep their babies and toddlers while they are at work. So, you could leverage this, organize your home, and make it conducive enough to make them trust you with their children. You could also provide home lessons to students and children and tutor them on different subjects as they deem fit.


  • Information Marketer

Information marketers are those people who are aware of the needs of people and provide solutions to those needs in the form of articles, e-books, videos, etc., and then sell this to make a profit. So, being an information marketer is quite lucrative and doesn’t require capital, you only need to choose a niche problem, conduct enough research on it, and help solve the problem.


  • Web Designer

Companies in recent times are leveraging on the promotion of visibility that the internet has to offer, and they are looking for skilled people who can help them build a design for their brand.

Being a web designer is lucrative, and you could use your laptop, desktop or smartphone to learn it.

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  •  Drop-Shipping

Drop-shipping is similar to affiliate marketing, but here you aren’t given a commission, you decide on your own profit. You get products from the manufacturers and resell them on your own platform with your desired added profit. 


  •  Cosmetics/Make-Up Business

Women love to look beautiful, especially for events. Offering makeup and cosmetics service is very lucrative, you only need to learn the skills, and you can do this at home.


  • Wig Making/Hair Making

Making people’s hair is very popular, especially in Nigeria, and this can be done at your home. Also, not many resources are required for this plus, most ladies like to put on wigs. So, knowing how to make wigs is also an added advantage.


  • Influencer/Video Blogging

Vlogging - Home business

Due to the power of the internet and the eruption of social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, it is now very easy to turn your passion into your profession and become an influencer. All you need to start is your smartphone and an internet connection. And you can do this from your home.  Check out this guide on How to Start and Run a Vlog Successfully 


  • Blogging

Blogging is quite lucrative and can be done at home, but you must know that to succeed in blogging, you need to have a large audience and a niche, to begin with.


  • Catering Service

You could provide food services for people, events, occasions e.t.c and be paid for it. It is important to note that this business requires some capital to start since you may not have the required equipment from start. To quickly get started, you can hire equipment while you save up to buy yours. 



Well, you have seen from the above that there are businesses that can be conducted from your home, you only need to choose the one that best suits you.  Always make sure you conduct your research on any business before you venture into that business. 

Also, you need to understand that starting a business requires, time, patience, consistency, and effort. 

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